Tamatar Aur Haldi: Can I Use Turmeric on My Face Everyday

Turmeric Benefits for Skin | How to Use Turmeric Powder on Your Face

Can I Use Turmeric on My Face Everyday
Can I Use Turmeric on My Face Everyday

Can I Use Turmeric on My Face Everyday: My obsession with turmeric has grown over the years—partly because I follow a group of health and wellness bloggers who use this orange Indian spice for everything from roasted vegetables to tofu scrambles to morning lattes and teas.

Let's do everything up to the cup. But mostly, because it offers some serious benefits like reducing indigestion and joint pain, and reducing overall inflammation when consumed.


But lately I've been wondering, can it be just as awesome when applied topically? Many new skincare products like masks and cleansers featuring this ancient spice will make you think so, but I wanted to see for myself—without spending unnecessary amounts.

These days I am less a makeup lover and more a skincare connoisseur. My favorite self-paper products are home remedies that I can easily make with good ingredients I already have in my kitchen. (How to Use Raw Turmeric on Face) So I decided to test out the topical benefits of turmeric in a simple DIY mask made with other skin-soothing ingredients—yogurt and honey—for five days in a row.

Yogurt on its own has been recognized to offer a variety of skin benefits, so I decided to use 1 heaping tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt in my mask. (Drinking Turmeric Water for Fair Skin) According to Dr. Hadley King, a dermatologist at Skinny Medspa, yogurt "contains lactic acid that provides gentle exfoliation by dissolving dead skin cells. It helps create a healthy glow, prevent acne, and reduce fine lines and discoloration." Helps reduce."

The amount of turmeric and honey you use is really up to you. Because I have fair skin, I was not as generous with turmeric as it can make my skin pale. I

Opted for a teaspoon of turmeric powder. (Applying Turmeric on Face Overnight) That was enough to test its anti-inflammatory properties, which King says are known to reduce "redness, puffiness, and irritation."

Finally, I added about half a teaspoon of honey to the mix, rounding out the formula with moisturizing and antibacterial properties to nourish the skin and help prevent acne.

Now that the chemistry part of the experiment was over, it was time to pat this stuff on my face. (can I use normal turmeric on my face every day) Here's how my skin fared. (Important note: If you are allergic to turmeric in recipes, it is recommended that you do not apply this spice to your skin.)

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Tamatar Aur Haldi: Can I Use Turmeric on My Face Everyday

Day 1

  • Ease of use, I decided to keep the turmeric-curd-honey mask on for about five minutes. The consistency of the yogurt base went on smoothly as I applied the mixture with an old foundation brush, making sure my entire face was covered.

  • I rinsed off the mask with warm water and patted my skin with a wash towel. The first thing I noticed was a significant glow and the tiniest hint of a yellowish tint. (can i use turmeric and milk on my face everyday) I expected my face to smell unpleasantly pungent, but the honey produced a pleasantly sweet aroma. With no signs of irritation other than a brief hot flash in my cheeks after washing, I can only assume that my skin was adjusting to the turmeric. So far, so good.

Day 2

  • I decided to leave the mask on for seven minutes, which was enough time for the mixture to dry completely. My skin initially felt as smooth as it did after washing the night before, and in addition, mild acne on my cheeks and forehead was reduced. (can i use turmeric oil on my face everyday) I grabbed some light yellow spots hugging my hairline, otherwise my skin remained blemish-free.

Day 3

  • I participated in two outdoor workouts one after the other and despite applying sunscreen several times throughout the day, my pale complexion turned pink. According to June Jacobs, CEO of June Jacobs Skincare, the combination of turmeric, Greek yogurt and honey "works synergistically to heal the skin," specifically against acne and inflammation.

Well, wasn't that very convenient?

  • So, instead of soaking my skin in aloe vera that night, I opted to apply my turmeric mask liberally to make sure every visible trace of redness was coated. (can i use turmeric on my face daily) I left it on for ten minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. The swelling had subsided within minutes, and my face was not burning as much.

Day 4

  • By the time I woke up the next morning, the swelling had subsided considerably. And while my face still looked a little red, my skin remained soft to the touch instead of feeling dry.

Day 5

  • On the last day of the experiment, there was no trace of a sunburn, but instead a healthy glow. My skin felt much softer, and my acne, for the most part, was clearing up. Success!

  • While King says this type of topical turmeric mask is safe to use, how often you apply will depend on how much turmeric is added to the formula, how much product you use, and your skin type. (can i use turmeric soap on my face everyday) . I probably won't be applying this mask to my everyday beauty routine, but it's definitely going to be a go-to formula when my skin feels dry or looks dull, or after a sunburn.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. Remedies for the accuracy, completeness, validity or validity of any information contained in this article. All information is provided on an on-going basis. The information, facts or opinions expressed in the article do not reflect the opinion of HealthActive and HealthActiv for which HealthActive accepts no responsibility or liability.


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